CNN ran a fairly disturbing story about a trespassing incident that occurred at Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s home in France on Friday. Two paparazzi dressed in camouflage and somehow managed to sneak onto the grounds surrounding the Jolie-Pitt chateau. There is nothing officially stated yet as to how long they were on the grounds or how many - if any - pictures had been taken by the time they were found.
However, when four of the guards at the chateau discovered the intruders, a physical fight broke out from both sides. Apparently no one was seriously hurt although both the guards and the paparazzi chose to file assault charges. The spokesperson for the police, Capt. Olivia Poupot, implied that it’s easy to imagine that it’s not unusual for people to come to blows if they discover someone illegally on their property, taking pictures.
A judge will still need to make a formal ruling as to whether or not further charges will be pressed against anyone. This comes right on the heels of Brad threatening legal action for photos that were taken of the family in their yard the other day. We can only imagine how angry he must be over the trespassing and how scary it must be for the family in general.
What is perhaps even more disturbing is this further statement made by Capt. Poupot that they aren’t overly concerned by or interested in this break-in.
“There are, […] more important things than paparazzi taking photos of a glamor couple.”
I don’t understand this attitude at all. This isn’t “paparazzi taking photos of a glamor couple” at all. You could call it that if they were walking down the street and someone took pictures of them from the end of the block. This is two people who invaded Brad and Angelina’s privacy by trespassing on their private property, disguising themselves to be as inconspicuous as possible, and traipsing around their home. I would hope that everyone could take legal action against such a thing; being a celebrity should not matter. On top of that, there are children involved. Will it be serious enough if one of the Jolie-Pitt kids gets hurt? Will it be serious enough if they break right into the house itself and take pictures inside?
I think the police should be taking it more seriously than they are, especially if they want to promote their supposed anti-paparazzi laws that prevent these types of incidents from happening at all. I don’t care how badly someone wants to sneak the first pictures of Knox and Vivienne Jolie-Pitt - breaking into private property to do it is unacceptable and illegal and should be treated as such.