How do you become a celebrity in today's modern world? Two words: Wardrobe Malfunction, or for you West Coast Hollywood hounds... Nipple Slip.
Prior to yesterday 23 year old Russian skater Ekaterina Rubleva was a 12th place European Nationals pair. Now she is a celebrity, all due to her strap falling and exposing her right breast and nipple. If she and her partner make it to the next Olympics, this news will surely re-surface and become even more buzz worthy.
What is actually most newsworthy about the event is that when her breast was exposed Ekaterina was a true performer and went on in her routine until the right opportunity came along to fix her outfit and cover her breast. For a full 4 seconds she skated onward. The television camera's hardly show this but dutiful photographers caught it. You can check out the full routine in the video below and even if you look for it, I'm betting you won't see the slip up.
Miss Rubleva did skate off the ice with a bit of an embarrassed look, but frankly my dear fellow Americans, Europeans really don't sweat sexual content, Russians in particular are callous to American sexual ideology.
I'd say this video below is about 100% safe for workplace viewing.