There is nothing like a bunch of women sitting around gossiping. But often it's not what they say but what they do that is more interesting. If you missed The View on ABC today you did yourself a favor. You will sleep well tonight.
You'd hope a woman of 59 would have the whole 'class' thing down by now but Sigourney Weaver's upskirt flash on live TV startled everyone who had their eyes open. I may have nightmares just thinking about it. I'm certain this is the View's plan in attempting to force men not to tune in during the day.
The incident occurred when Sigourney went for a couch hug with Joy Behar the show's resident angry woman - outlasting Rosie O'Donnell in the shows dual angry woman phase. So offering Joy a little love made perfect sense as angry women need love too. It seems that Sigourney wanted to make the most of the moment.
I'll try not to close my eyes tonight when I sleep. Unfortunately now you may have a hard time sleeping tonight too.