
Samuel L Jackson Furious Talk over Marvel Movies: Iron Man 2 & Avengers

Some headlines are touting that Samuel L Jackson may be out as Nick Fury on Iron Man 2. Hogwash. Let me tell you why.

If you've seen Iron Man and who hasn't, Nick Fury made a cameo appearance after the ending credits ...If you were smart enough to stay seated through them. Nick Fury meets Tony Stark at the bar and the light bulb goes off over every fanboys head. The thought? Marvel is going to make an Avengers movie!

Who is Nick Fury to Marvel's future plans in an Avengers team-up film? Without him you have no Avengers: Hulk, Iron Man, Thor and Captain America. When Marvel thought of Nick Fury for the big screen, they abandoned the aging white military man and went with a younger, bald black man with attitude out the wazoo. They practically designed the character after Sam Jackson, and that is a fact.

Well PCM readers, now it appears with the cost of assembling such super heroes on screen in terms actors salaries ...Jackson wants a cut. After all, Fury is a big cross-over character. He's preying on the fact Marvel re-cast this iconic chracter in Jackson's image, from physical appearance to his manner. And it is clear Sam Jackson wants a cut before Marvel has to shell out money to whomever plays Captain America and Thor.

As an aside folks ...Frankly I say they don't even go with Cap or Thor and insert Spidey as he was in later graphic novel versions of the Avengers. But even if Toby McGuire signs on, you still have another salary to negotiate for whomever plays Thor or Captain America. Either way it makes total sense for Sam Jackson to get his pay day arranged early.

To insure this, Sam Jackson recently talked dismilly about his role in the next Iron Man 2 installment. When asked who would wear Nick Fury's eye patch he answered, "Maybe nobody will wear it. Maybe they'll decide Nick Fury won't be part of it." Now Samuel

In addition to all this, Marvel confirms they are active negotiations. No doubt this is a negotiating tactic on Sam's part. If that is not enough for you, just a week ago Jackson was quoted: "I saw Jon Favreau at the Scream Awards and we had a conversation. He said, 'I hope things are working out for you because we're writing stuff for you.' "

Jackson is not going anywhere. I assure you. If he is, Fury is NOT. Fury is an integral part of the Iron Man 2 story and the future of an Avengers film.

Oh... In case you forgot, we posted this Semi-Avenger's team-up CGI master-piece posted on YouTube just a couple weeks back... Stay tuned to PCM for more...