There is something to be said for any person that can turn their life around after making grave mistakes. However we have all witnessed people that become involved in drugs and alcohol take life-long nose dives. Few come back from the brink.
What does it take for a drug laden celebrity like Amy Winehouse to see her life is over if she doesn't clean up? According to Winehouse herself, she took a cold hard look at herself, literally; and her viewing the photo (above) provided her epiphany. Now she is in retreat enjoying the Caribbean sun. In a recent interview there Amy Winehouse is reflective. 'I thought: "Girl, you've got sort yourself out or you'll be dead soon." I was depressed, doing drugs and had no life in me at all. Coming here has changed everything. I don't need drugs.'
Winehouse now joins the ranks of Lindsy Lohan, Mickey Rourke, Robert Downey Jr. and other celebrities that have second chances not only at careers but life. It is a tough road for celebrities to overcome addictions; perhaps tougher than anyone else because they are in the spotlight and vulterous media writers lay in wait for them to stumble or fall so they may ridicule them in an article. While I don't mind commenting on class, lifestyles and faux pas of people, I hope you will think as I do--that no person should have their life destroyed over drugs or alcohol.
The fact is Winehouse is poised to fail because she has tried to clean up time and again. The photo (above) she credits with saving her life is most likely not her seminole moment and tougher times await her. I've seen this before in the lives of regular people and I have to wonder if Amy has hit the literal 'rock bottom' in her life. If she fails ...watch the train wreck because that is our human nature, but don't laugh as one day it could be someone you love or know.