
Why So Classy?: The Rock of Love Edition

I think the term "Why So Classy?" was coined specifically for this show. I tell people not to bother with beauty paegents, The Swan, or even that dated Miss America show...Rock of Love takes the cake in class, refinery, and elegance.

And last night's performance was yet another fun-filled trash extravaganza! So many gems, in fact, that I don't know where to begin.

First and foremost, Taya fell off the stage during one of the challenges while wearing a slutty French maid outfit. The physical humor notwithstanding, if you're going to fall off the stage, you might as well be dressed like a slut with a feather duster. I felt for Taya, I really did...but I was a little surprised that Taya could fall any further since she's already hit rock bottom (i.e., appearing on this show).

Next, the skanks were told to "dress to impress" for Bret. Most of them wore your standard groupie uniform straight out of the Flirt Catalog, but Brittanayaaa (that's how she pronounces it) gets the "My Fair Lady" award for her oh-so-sophisticated denim panties. (This is a family-friendly blog, so I can't post the photos here...)
Some of you may not be impressed, but I am. And, apparantly, in Skank-ese, "dress to impress" translates into "dress to work the Hunts Point track."

Then, a drunken Ashley made out with one of the other skanks and flipped out after she saw the lady beast known as Beverly kissing on Bret's drummer. When Beverly denied it (even though she got caught on camera), Ashley responded with: "I want a cheeseburger." For the record, that is the correct response for EVERYTHING. Clip below:

And finally, let's end with some more words of wisdom from Ashley the Philosopher. When one of the girls gave Ashley the side-eye for being drunk and classy, she had this to say: "Get over it. People puke and they poop their pants."

Ashley is the Nietzsche of this generation!