Oscar nominees Robert Downey Jr, Brad Pitt, and Anne Hathaway and Frank Langella recently took part in a round table discussion running up to this Oscar season. In it the celebrities did the usual tooting of their own horns. But one question brought out the BS-meters. We all have a BS Meter, and we regular people use when we watch the news or anything on TV. It's how we tell when we are being lied to and expected to buy it as the truth. After all, how many of us believe everything we hear and see on TV?
The group was asked if they ever Internet searched their own names. Taking the politically safe answer, Anne Hathaway at first denied it as if it would make her a narcissist. After all, I don't any of us regular folk consider Hollywood actors and actresses as vain self-serving out of touch with reality types. They are just... people. Right? And normal people do in fact google themselves, especially if they are smart. Right away my BS-meter goes off when Anne Hathaway denies googling herself. Fraud, narcissist.
Brad Pitt, wow. My man Brad. The guy we men aspire to be like... His answer? "Dear God. No. Never. First of all, I don't really know how to operate a computer."
Now I have to ask myself, do I believe this? It's either total BS or Brad is a modern day dumb azz. He can act like he is smart, but he is not actually smart? Is this why he fell for Angelina? Don't get me wrong, what man would toss that body out of bed, but do you marry such a woman? I can speak from experience a woman that good looking has one goal, to dominate you. Brad must have one thing going for him when I seen answer such as this. The guy can act! You wait folks, years from now when he and she are divorced. He'll want his balls back.
Which brings us to Robert Downey Jr. A man that has served hard time in jail for screwing up over and over. His pure willpower and talent is what has kept him alive I'm sure of it. But most of all, the guy is real. He opens his mouth and real words come out. If you ask me which of these guys I'd want to go play paintball with or go fishing, I have to admit ...now it's Robert Downey Jr. Why? Because he's not full of crap.
Downey chimed in with his answer to the google question: "Oh, I love all that (expletive) personally. Sorry. I love just it. Because it's a hoot. Some people overstate their support, like they know you. Other people are busy doing something else and just want to go on this chat site and say some despicable character assassination, which I honestly think: 'They kind of nailed it. I do have that shortcoming.' It's really fun."
Now of course sensing it's safe to now go into the water what does Hathaway do? She comes clean: "OK, I have a confession. I lied before when you asked if I Googled myself. I do. I'm embarrassed by it because I know how terrible it is. ... For a while, it cracked me up. I found a ton of humor in it. But recently it's changed. There's a big difference now where information is being reported as news. And I'm very uncomfortable with that." Go figure folks.
You have to ask yourself. Why is it we listen to these people at all? And to think thousands if not millions of Americans hang on the words of some of these celebrities for political insight and answers.
Well... at least they can act which if you think about it, is a lot of BS.