Once a month, I will suss through the troughs of trash-tastic television to find the few rare truffles such as these...and think of the marketing opportunities! The calendars! The spreads! The sponsorships! Fame, fortune, and stardom, all await you, my crown princesses!
This elegant creature was born Nikki Shamdassani. She also goes by DJ Lady Tribe and La Loka. According to the ever-reliable Wikipedia, she was a graffiti artist in Los Angeles, but went to jail too many times for it (nothing like suffering for your art), so she decided to become a DJ instead.
And now Nikki La Vida Loca is a national treasure for doing a shot from a test tube sticking out of another chick's PEREREICA on Rock of Love Bus.
Why did I pick her, so early in the month?
Well, look at her, really.
But what really sold me was her picture with Dakota Fanning on her MySpace site.
Seriously, it writes itself.
Congratulations, Nikki La Vida Loca -- you are Miss Why So Classy for the month of January!