Actually, this product may be great, but this is the world's single most scariest infomercial ever.; if not the most offensive. My ears are still ringing.... And the actors in it... They will never work in Hollywood again! I laughed so hard my ... almost fell off. But as I watched this video commercial, I squirmed with guilt asking myself, "How I could even have to nerve to watch this horrid video." I have this terrible temptation now to go around singing like 'songsmith' to everyone I know... (watch the video, you'll get the joke)

And you know, I think Microsoft may have something here. You may not know it, but in the 1960's and 70's advertisers had a rule, "make it memorable". This meant making a commercial that was so tacky that you couldn't get it out of your head. This commercial is tacky times 100.
Be afraid people... be very afraid... ...Oh and I bet you can't watch the whole thing!
Now let's all rush out and download/buy Songsmith and validate Microsoft's decision in making this gag-me infomercial.