Do you hear that? I think it's the sound of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse galloping towards us.
Or maybe it's just my breakfast doing a full turnaround.
Kim and her new Big Papa apparently were spotted "getting cozy" at Sundance this past weekend. They also shared a house together with some other classy people.
Nothing pretty can come out of this union. Nothing. There is not a pill out there strong enough to help me deal with seeing Kim lift her shirt up and flash her microwaved plasti-boobs in the next Girls Gone Wild video. They will have to change the title to Delusional Hags Gone Stone Cold Crazy.
There's a tightrope.....and I may need to throw myself off of it.
(For those of you who are quick to defend Joe Francis...I hope you don't have daughters under the age of 18, because he will be quick to ply them with alcohol and take full advantage of them. I have no problem with porn, so long as it involves CONSENTING ADULTS...taking advantage of teenagers crosses the line. Period.)