
Why So Classy?

Yes, I'm on a roll this morning. But I'm THRILLED beyond measure that there are over 2 million people on the lawn in DC to watch the transfer of power to Barack Obama -- the elation in New York City is PALPABLE, and we're watching history in the making -- so I'm a little more giddy than usual.

And, gods bless my celebrities, they never leave me with a dearth of material.

ANYWAY, this edition of Why So Classy? comes to us courtesy of Julia Roberts. On her way to Islands (a hamburger place in the Southwest, which makes AWESOME burgers -- you can substitute a veggie patty for any of their selections, and trust me, this isn't McDonald's crap! Visit http://www.islandsrestaurants.com for details...), a pap caught her, and she proceeded to do her best impression of a truck driver.

I don't need to tell you that this video is NSFW. :-)