
The World's Happiest Countries

According to a study on wellbeing Denmark is the world's most content country. The study also showed that despite financial strain the world is getting happier.

Researchers at the University of Michigan said that Denmark's prosperity, stability and democratic government were factors that put it at the top of the list.

The United States - the world's richest country - was placed at 16th, while Britain came in at 21st.

At the bottom of the list were countries that are war-torn, face inflation and government oppression. Almost all the countries at the bottom of the list face authoritarian governments and widespread poverty.

10 Happiest Countries:
1. Denmark
2. Puerto Rico
3. Colombia
4. Iceland
5. Northern Ireland
6. Republic of Ireland
7. Switzerland
8. Netherlands
9. Iceland
10. Austria

10 Most Miserable Countries:
1. Zimbabwe
2. Armenia
3. Moldova
4. Belarus
5. Ukraine
6. Albania
7. Iraq
8. Bulgaria
9. Georgia
10. Russia