
Brangelina twins named honorary citizens of Nice

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie's twins have yet to be born, but already they've been named honorary citizens of Nice, France.

"All their lives they will be Niçois and all their life they will be able to come to Nice and we will receive them with great honor," Nice mayor Christian Estrosi said on Friday.

"We are very happy for this choice of Mrs. Angelina Jolie and Mr. Brad Pitt and I want to say to them that I wish a lot of joy to them and the babies, and great success for all of their lives," Estrosi added.

In France, being born in the country is generally not enough to confer citizenship. However, if France is the primary residence for the twins for at least five years after they turn 11, then they can obtain French citizenship once they reach age 18, according to the French Foreign Ministry website.

Jolie has been known for her nomadic lifestyle, but she and Pitt did purchase a $60 million French estate in May, so it is possible the couple plans to set roots there following the birth of the twins.

Jolie has been in Nice's Lenval hospital since Monday, and her doctor said in a Wednesday press conference that the babies would not be born for another two or three weeks.