
Happy Halloween From Bruce Springsteen

As a ghoulish Halloween treat to loyal fans, Bruce Springsteen is offering a free audio download and streaming peek at the video for the previously unheard track “A Night with the Jersey Devil” on his website . Both audio and video will be available on the site from 12:01am Friday, October 31 until 11:59pm Sunday, November 2. The creepy video for “A Night with the Jersey Devil” was directed by long-time Springsteen visual-collaborator Thom Zimny.

Springsteen posted the following note on

“Dear Friends and Fans,

If you grew up in Central or South Jersey you grew up with the ‘Jersey Devil’. Here’s a little musical Halloween treat. Have fun!

Bruce Springsteen”

Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Mariah Carey and her husband Nick Cannon celebrated their 6-month anniversary in NYC with their friends at a Halloween party while Kim Kardashian and her mother celebrated Halloween on the west coast! Celebs are definitely getting into the Halloween spirit, we like it! These costumes make for our PCM Picture(s) of the Day!

Text Found from King David's Time

All those Indiana Joneses out there today will be looking for the Arc of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Some real archeologists in Jerusalem discovered what he says is the oldest Hebrew text dating back about 3,000 years. That puts the text at the time of King David from the Old Testament.

Professor Yosef Garfinkel of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem says the inscribed pottery shard, known as an ostracon, was found during excavations of a fortress from the 10th century BC.

Carbon and pottery dating places the shard at 3,000 years old, a millennium older than the famous Dead-Sea Scrolls.

The 6 square inch shard contains five lines of ancient Hebrew text divided by black lines. The text has yet to be deciphered, but archeologists were able to make out the words "judge," "slave" and "king." The university believes the shard may contain a legal text that could provide insight into law, society and beliefs.

The shard was discovered at the Elah Fortress in Khirbet Qeiyafa, about 20 miles southwest of Jerusalem. Excavations began there in June. So far, just four percent of the site has been excavated, the university said.


Thomas Haden Church Is... Joe Six Pack

See more Thomas Haden Church videos at Funny or Die

In the spirit of the upcoming election, it's time for another political satire video! Joe Six Pack (actor Thomas Haden Church) takes on his blue collar rival, Joe the Plumber. Our friends at are making some great videos these days. If you are interested in more of Thomas Haden Church, check out the movie, "Smart People," which is out on DVD now co-starring Sarah Jessica Parker and Dennis Quaid. Very good!

Justin Timberlake & Rihanna: Buzzworthy New Song!

They've recently been spotted shooting a sexy new music video together, get ready! Justin Timberlake teamed up with Rihanna for her new single, "Rehab," and we are digging it. The official music video isn't out yet but the song has leaked onto YouTube, sure you'll be able to find it if you dig. We are labeling it the buzzworthy new "it" song that is totally going to be hot! Rumor has it that Justin wrote the song for her.

Justin has said, "She’s on a roll. I think she sort of has something different to offer. You can use her voice as a template for many different styles. She has a keen fashion sense and on top of that she’s hot. Whatever it is, she’s got it.” Talk about a nice compliment from JT! You heard it from us first! Get excited!

Hayden Panettiere's New Ink

Usually, we're used to rappers and rock stars getting new tattoos all the time. It's not often a blonde starlet reveals some new ink to the photographers following her in California. 19-year-old Heroes actress Hayden Panettiere showed off her ancestry with a tattoo that reads, “Vivere”, meaning ‘to live’ in Italian.

She's done some great work for our friends in the ocean! Hayden
was recently in Washington D.C. where she was given an award for encouraging the public about its voting rights and continued to push for her ‘Save the Whales’ campaign.

Just a reminder, too! New episodes of Heroes (Season 3) are on NBC on Monday nights!

AWWW. Smush smush smush.

With all the depressing news lately, leave it to perpetually sunny Gwen Stefani to cheer us up.

The No Doubt frontwoman, LAMB clothing designer, and pop culture icon added proud mommy to her already-impressive repertoire as she released the official picture of her with new baby Zuma Nesta Rock, born two months ago.

(Are those not the bluest eyes you've ever seen?)

Zuma joins big brother Kingston, 2. Dad is former Bush frontman and sometime actor (Constantine) Gavin Rossdale, who has a new solo album.

Philadelphia Phillies Win The World Series!!!!

Kitt Badlove gave you the detailed post, so now I have post the estatic one!!!! The Philadelphia Phillies are The World Series Champs beating out the Tampa Bay Rays with a score of 4 to 3 in a three inning game. I was out and about in Philadelphia right after the game, and let me tell you, the fans were going crazy, it was quite the spectacle of fireworks, car horns blaring, and all around celebration! Philly had been waiting for quite a long time for this moment, and being as Philadelphia is PCM's home-base area....we are quite proud of our winning team!!! CONGRATS, PHILS!!!!! Enjoy the moment, you all have certainly earned it!

Attention Super-Hero Fans!

Marvel has just announced that The Avengers film is definitely happening! They also go on to say that Robert Downey, Jr. has signed on to reprise his role of Iron Man in the upcoming film. One person who will be noticiably missing will be Terrence Howard, who played Col. James Rhodes in the Iron Man film. Howard will be replaced by Don Cheadle in both Iron Man 2 and The Avengers!


History's Longest Baseball Game Ends A Season

It lasted over two days! The last game between the Philadelphia Phillies and the Tampa Bay Rays in the 2008 World Series will go down in history as the longest game ever. Perhaps not in innings but definitely in duration.

If you are not a sports fan, here is what happened. Game five of a best of seven series started on Monday evening at 8:37 pm. That was October the 27th 2008. In the sixth inning (games are nine innings) rain halted play. The Phillies looked to win the series if they won the game as they led the series with a 3 games to 1 lead.

During a regular season game, any game after 5 innnings can be called over if cut short by rain or weather. The team ahead is awarded the win. But this is the World Series. Every team deserves a full nine innings. The game had to be suspended.

Two days later October 29th 2008 at 8:37 pm the sixth inning was continued where the game left off. Players, fans and everyone had to return to game two days later. Imagine people that flown into town to watch this pivotal World Series game! Even the opposing team (Tampa Bay Rays) was uprooted from their hotel and had to stay in the neighboring state of Wilmington Delaware to wait out the rain.

The Phillies went on to win the game and the World Series with a final score of 4-3 in what is now truly the longest game in baseball history.

Must Love Cats

Do You love Cats? So do we. But you have to check this out for a laugh.

Samsung Fun Club Launces a Hip-Hop Sweepstakes Featuring Artists Tyga, Jazmine Sullivan, and Nina Sky

Are you ready to Evolve Your Style? The Samsung Fun Club wants to hook you up with everything necessary to do just that with the recent launch of a new hip-hop and fashion sweepstakes! Joining the Samsung Fun Club in promoting the launch include the newest faces of hip-hop including rapper Tyga, R&B singer Jazmine Sullivan, and reggaeton duo Nina Sky.

Entrants have the chance to win a Samsung flat screen panel TV, a new wardrobe from streetwear retailer, a stylish new BLACKJACK II phone, one-year of free cell-phone service, a subscription to hip-hop magazine XXL, a CD prize pack with albums from Tyga, Jazmine Sullivan and Nina Sky, and more!

The sweepstakes is live now until November 20, 2008

I hereby declare October 30, 2008, to be Nancy Grace Day!

Click on the pic to see Nancy Grace's interview with William Balfour's mother

I've refrained from posting my personal opinion about the Jennifer Hudson tragedy, mostly out of respect for Ms. Hudson (who I met a few times on the red carpet, back when she was with her hometown sweetheart, and she was nothing but a doll) and her deceased nephew (I have two young nephews myself, and if -- Gods forbid -- something happened to either of them, I couldn't be held responsible for what actions I take against the person who showed the supreme idiocy of hurting them), but after witnessing one too many media appearances by this joke of a "mother" -- William Balfour's birth vessel, that is -- and Julia Hudson's constant updating of her MySpace page as though everything was totally normal (woman, YOUR SON WAS KILLED! PLAN HIS FUNERAL, GRIEVE WITH DIGNITY, AND GROW THE F**K UP!), I FINALLY have to comment.

Let me explain something to people across America: you have EVERY right in the world to have your own life. Lord knows I have lashed out against every groupie and gold-digger in America, have called them every name in the English language (and a few in Spanish, Italian, and Sicilian), and think they should all be quarantined by order of the CDC...but at the end of the day, they're all consenting adults, and have every right to do what they want with their bodies. Most of my aggravation with groupies and gold-diggers lies with the fact that the vast majority of them are weak of character, otherwise-talentless except for primal skills that ANYONE can master with the help of a few "instructional" videos, and rife with insecurities, and I detest those type of people with the intensity of a thousand burning suns.

But as many of you who have followed my writings (both here and elsewhere) know equivocally, I reserve special venom for "women" who give birth to innocents and proceed to treat them as though they're little more than a cramp in their style...or, worse, place them in harm's way because of their weakness for "good d**k" (as Julia Hudson had on her MySpace page until recently).

You see, once you become a mother, it stops being all about YOU. It is your job, from the minute that child takes its first breath until the minute you take your last, to make sure that said child is safe from harm. No, you can't hold their hand every minute of every day, and nor can you protect your child from every monster and thing that goes bump in the night, but IT IS YOUR DUTY to ensure that you don't INVITE the boogeyman into the house, either.

Contrary to what a few of my journalist colleagues have unscrupulously mentioned, this attitude is NOT exclusive to the hip-hop (and, in a slimy racial undertone, the African-American) community. Hell, I've been a rock'n'roller since the days of Andrew Wood and Mother Love Bone (how's that for an obscure reference, kids?), and I can cite two VERY obvious examples in the rock'n'roll community about two groupies in particular who I frequently wish all sorts of bodily and psychic harm upon who do this EXACT thing.

(One is a nearly-60-year-old teacher who -- as an erstwhile guitarist once said -- acts worse than her students, who sold her own daughter out to troll MySpace, send harassing e-mails, and almost cost herself her entire career to follow a no-name, no-talent, barely-known bar band around with all the obsession of a New Kids on the Block fan [and, prior to that, she was equally obsessed with Hanson, which I don't know whether to laugh or cry about]. Another groupie, closer to my age, abandoned her child in another state to whore around New York City, do drugs, and sleep with every musician who said "hello" to her while calling herself a "band manager." I would sooner trust my teenage daughter to the care of Dina Lohan than trust my PLANTS -- let alone a band -- to this "manager's" care.)

For Julia Hudson, her weakness for "good d**k" cost her son, her brother, and her mother their lives. She invited William Balfour -- a convicted VIOLENT felon, who served time for attempted murder -- into her home, into her life, around her son. Did she really think that something like this wasn't going to happen? Even in her interviews, she comes across as someone who is more excited about the fact that she's Jennifer Hudson's sister (her plea for Julian's return looked like a poorly-acted B-movie) and getting ancillary attention as a result. I know it's politically correct to feel sorry for her, but the ones we SHOULD be feeling sorry for are the victims of this brutal crime, especially the seven-year-old victim. And when the "mother" of the victim is more concerned about her MySpace profile -- not to mention the fact that the "person of interest" is still on the TOP of her Top Friends list -- and getting "good d**k", who previously said she was a mother "whether she liked it or not," one has to wonder just how much she knew, or knows, about the circumstances surrounding that innocent boy's death.

As for William Balfour's mother, whom Nancy Grace mercilessly skewers in the above interview (though I miss Grace's early days; motherhood seems to have softened her take-no-prisoners approach), well, maybe instead of taking the "there's no way my little angel did this" (ma'am, I hate to tell you this, but he's a convicted violent felon who was raised in a household with OTHER convicted violent felons; his alibi cannot be positively verified; there are no other "persons of interest" in this case. As in the OJ case years ago, I have to wonder...WHO ELSE COULD IT BE, THEN?), she should have taken the responsible parent's approach (I know, tall order) and said, "I know what my child is capable of. The question is, did he do THIS?" Perhaps then I'd be more apt to respect her.

Click to view Nancy Grace in all her glory.

Cabbage Patch Nominees

With all the serious election news these days -- and, regardless of your affiliation, I urge you all to get out and VOTE next Tuesday! -- today's news is a little light-hearted, for a nice change...

If you, like me, grew up in the 80's, you owned a Cabbage Patch Kid, and quite possibly a Koosa, both of which I still have. (Side note: mine is a bald preemie originally given a very Anglo name [Parker John]. You had the option to send in for a "birth certificate" reflecting a name change to one more of your liking. And so, Pino Caspar -- named, respectively, as a diminutive of my father's name (Giuseppe, or Joseph), and the blond kid my cousin Paula had a crush on in elementary school (Caspar Reskinielsen) -- was named. I know: oy...)

Any-kid-with-issues, this year's presidential candidates -- and their Veeps -- have been immortalized in the form of Cabbage Patch Kids. Is it me, or do the Biden and McCain dolls look near-exactly alike?

Rest assured my Barack "kid" will be joining his brother Pino WITHOUT a name change. :-)

Patrick Swayze's Work Isn't Killing Him

Did you ever think you would see Patrick Swayze act again after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer just a year ago?

He is not only back to work acting, he's working 12 hour days on a television series which is often a tougher schedule than film. For a man with a 5 percent life expectancy inside five years, he feels very much alive. "I do find myself, at the end of the day, riding home sort of catching myself with a smile on my face."

If his working doesn't come as a surprise, perhaps his role as the featured character on the show does. Beginning January Patrick Swayze stars in The Beast on A & E. The Network is either brave or using him. His character shares traits to Patrick Swayze. This writer speculates that should he die... the storyline will use his death as part of the series. Did I mention Patrick's character is training a partner?

Last Minute Halloween Costumes

What!? It's two days till Halloween and you still don't have a costume? Go to the store? Oh, you don't like crowds? Well that's hardly an excuse. But you don't want to spend $50 for a cheaply made gossamer piece of crap that you're only gonna wear once? Ok, that I can understand. But what are you gonna wear?

For all of those who have been too busy, procrastinating, can't come up with an idea or cryogenically frozen during the month of October to get a Halloween costume, you're in luck. Here are some fast and cheap ideas that are sure to get you through the 31st.

Simple. Wear some ratty rural looking clothes - the rattier the better, even try to get some patches and duct tape on there. Put a few shirts in your belly to make it look more round like it's stuffed with straw. Next get some straw. You can cheaply buy it at a pumpkin patch, garden store, home depot and some grocery stores. If you're really cheap just get some off a farm - they have enough. Stuff your cuffs with the straw. It should be coming out of everything: sleeves, pants, neck. For the finishing touch tie off you legs and arms. For more inspiration find a real scarecrow and mimic it.

Headless Sports Player
This costume literally takes 30 seconds. Get a sports jersey - football and hockey jersey's work best - and put a pillow across the shoulders. Then put it on and make sure nothing comes out the neck hole. There you go you're a headless sports player. I say football and hockey jerseys work best because they have wider shoulders and are mesh so you can see through the jersey without anyone seeing you. Make your costume look better by carrying around your "head" in a helmet - if you have one.

Greek, Roman, Philosopher, Statue, Bluto
Toga!!!! Do you sleep in a bed? Then you have a sheet and thus you have a costume. Depending on what you're going for you can be any of a number of ancients. You can be a simple Greek or Roman, and top it off with some olive branches on your head. For those with large beards you can be your favorite philosopher depending on how long your beard is. If you've got some time on your hands, paint your body white and powder your hair. When you suit up in a toga you're a statue, but please no Venus - we don't want any lost limbs. As a last resort you can dress in a toga and pour mustard down the front of yourself and - Ta-da! You're Bluto from Animal House.

Gum Balls, Grapes
Do your friends say you're full of hot air? Here's a costume for you. Fill up a ton of balloons - red or green if you're gonna be grapes, and multicolor for gumballs, and then tape them to your body. And you're done. That was easy.

Play on Words
Find something easy that's a play on words. You could dress as a "Cereal Killer" by taking your favorite breakfast cereal box and driving a knife through it. Or the Second Amendment by wearing a flannel shirt and a truckers hat with big brown bush bear arms over top of yours. Get it? Right to Bear arms. Pick your favorite.


You have to buy the hat, but other then that dress in black, and find some other good stuff at the local thrift store.

Go Retro
Find your old clothes from when you were growing up (if they still fit) and wear them. Or wear the ones from a few years ago and go as a time period. Wear some ripped jeans and flannel shirt for Grunge, or flared jeans and tie die to be a hippie. The possibilities are endless.

This is completely overdone but never gets old. As long as there have been celebrities there will always be people dressing as them. Just make sure everyone knows who you are. It's not a costume if no one recognizes it - then you're just a freak in weird clothes.

That Guy
Do you have a weird friend? Well, dress as him. Borrow his clothes and his trademark item to make the costume complete. You're friends will laugh, but the rest of the world won't get it.

The Old Standby
Go to the thrift store and find some crazy stuff there. You're bound to find something that you can scrounge a costume out of. If you can't find a consistent costume, then just dress in a ton of stuff and be a Trick or Treater with Multiple Personalities.

Last Resort

Dress in last year's costume, borrow your friend's costume from last year, wear and old costume. Someone is bound to have something laying around. By this point if you can't find a costume, that' s just pathetic. Hopefully I've given you some good pointers so you won't go out in the "Person Who Forgot it was Halloween" costume.

Wanna Be A Music Video Stylist? Now's Your Chance!

Lesley Roy is looking to her fans for inspiration for her upcoming "Unbeautiful" video. Thanks to, Lesley will choose ONE lucky fan to make their dream come true as her music video stylist! Help choose a clothing look that will be worn in her next music video - just listen to "Unbeautiful" now and put together your inspired look! Your work could appear on MTV, Vh1, or YouTube on rising rockstar Lesley Roy. will outfit Lesley and also award cool prizes to the winning music video stylist! Good luck!!!


Joaquin Phoenix Retires

Actor Joaquin Phoenix has surprised everyone by making an announcement on TV's Extra that he will be not be appearing in any more films. Instead Joaquin would like to place all of his focus on his blossoming music career. The actor who just finished filming "Two Lovers" opposite Gwyneth Paltrow, claims the romantic drama would be his final role.

I am curious to see if he will actually end up keeping his word, I mean what happens if his album doesn't sell? I am sure the big screen audiences would be more than happy to welcome him back with open arms! Joaquin is a wonderful actor with starring roles in such films as "Gladiator", "Walk The Line", "We Own The Night", and one of my favs "Signs".

Melrose Place Spin-Off News

If fans of 90's television were happy about the CW's 90210 spin-off then they will be estatic to hear that the network is now in the final planning stages of a Melrose Place spin-off. No writers or producers have been attached to the project at this time, but the creative juices are certainly flowing. They managed to get Shannen Dougherty to return as Brenda Walsh for 90210, let's hope they can convince Heather Locklear, that Melrose Place would just not be the same without the presence of Amanda Woodward! I will be keeping my fingers crossed!

Awkward Moment On Letterman

Perhaps David Letterman just said what we all secretly have been thinking. On a recent episode of his show, 'The Hills' starlet Lauren Conrad had to face Letterman's heat.

Letterman, who in the past has clashed with 'Hills' villain Spencer Pratt, seemed genuinely interested in the infinite Lauren vs. Heidi Montag drama on the hit MTV show. When Conrad answered that it had been going on for years, Letterman put a screeching halt to the interview by saying: "Maybe you're the problem." Conrad, visibly annoyed by the comment, then attempted to backpedal. Check it out for yourself and cringe: