In the never ending line of dance partners in Sylar's list of potentional fathers... NBC has decided Sylar is good. No he's bad. No he's good. No he's bad.
OK, better idea. His parents are the Petrellis. Oh darn. Wait, Mr. Petrelli is dead. Sylar can't have a father. But wait... Mr. Petrelli is alive! Sylar has a father... No. Wrong again. Mr. Petrelli is not Sylar's father and alas ...now he is dead again.
And that is essentially how this season played out. Everyone is related to everyone, they are not related and NBC refuse to kill anyone. Or at least keep them dead.
So of course the best and only real solution is to give Sylar a father. Again.
You know how I knew Mr. Petrilli wasn't Sylar's father. The eyebrows.
John Glover (great eyebrows!) will play Sylar's father. Right. And I'm the Easter Bunny.