Here is why. And first off, I'm not a liberal democrat, I'm not an activist. I'm an American that is no nonsense. With that out of the way, here is why it is the auto makers fault car sales are down. Key words... "auto" and "maker". Get it? You make the cars we have to buy. But guess what! We don't have to buy them? And as of lately, we have NOT been buying your same old same old cars. They still guzzle gass even at $1.70 per gallon. People are no longer reactionary, we are waiting for the shoe to drop again. No one wants to be stuck with a car that gets 18 miles to the gallon.
We have wanted and needed cars for years that can drive 40 to 50 miles per gallon or an electric car or other options than gas guzzling SUV's Mustangs and even Ford Taurus. Car dealerships are closing at a breakneck pace across the U.S. I feel horrible, this is my country too. And I'm really mad that for the past twenty years of my life I've read how the big three automakers and big oil refuse to make any car that does not use petro gas. What a joke.
Well guess what guys... You screwed us all. You, me, everyone. Sure the banks had a pyramid scheme that caused the credit collapse etc... sure commodities speculators drove up the cost of barrels of oil. But you make the cars. We had a truly viable alternative as long ago as 1996!
Has anyone seen How Killed The Electric Car? It's a documentary about how an excellent option to gas was in our midst and how the oil companies and auto manufacturers used politics to repeal a law that forced them to make oil alternative cars! And they not only worked, they cost less etc... Thank God companies like Tesla exist now. If we rely on GM, Ford and Chrysler to deliver an electric car, they will never do it as long as they are beholden to big oil.
Goto the library or get it on Netflix or Blockbuster, but see the film. It won't bore you. It will piss you off. And if enough of us get upset, then FINALLY maybe this country will move in another direction. Politicians can't change this country. We have to do it. We must want it.
These cars were among us! Watch the film and you will be incensed at the big three auto manufacturers as you see the truth of why we are going RIGHT BACK TO GASOLINE. Money!
The silver lining is companies such as Tesla that are funded by investors (owners of Google) are finally beginning to emerge. Finally companies are able to stand up to GM, Chrysler and Ford to offer us cars such as this one in the video below. And this car exists. Yes Tesla is creating a high-end version first but they promise the money earned from the rich buying their sports car will pave the way for family cars next.
And what is sick as that the U.S. population has been bled dry. We have no more blood to give. Big oil got rich throughout 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. We paid for gas on credit cards, our home heating bills tripled and quadrupled. It was nuts. No one could buy anything except food and pay their rent or mortgage. With credit maxed out and people unable to do any more.
Who can buy a new car when all their money went into paying for gas on the car they had?
This is a joke. The big three want a bail out. OK, mandate that they will make electric cars side by side with combustion engine cars and they may be purchased by consumers, not just leased.
Folks, the secret needs to get out. If you buy an electric car, gas will plummet. There will be a ton of it left for jumbo jets and heating oil. That cost will be so lo that big oil will be obsolete in tomorrows world. OK, not obsolete but you get the idea.
Tesla is not the only alternative. However the other manufacturers are currently thinking too small. We need a regular size car unlike what Think Motors, Electric City Motors, Myers Motors offer. Clearly the big three have the means to produce and offer us electric cars. They tease us now with cars such Chevy's Volt (hybrid) or Honda's EV series which you can see in the documentary, Who Killed The Electric Car?. These cars are not to be counted on as the big three DO NOT WANT TO SELL THESE CARS TO US. They do it for publicity and public relations, but they have no true intent to back these cars. Watch Who Killed The Electric Car? And you'll understand.