More and more details are emerging everyday about Charlie Sheen's alleged attack on wife Brooke Mueller on Christmas Eve/Christmas morning. An Aspen police officer who responded to the 911 call placed by Brooke, claims in a sworn statement that Sheen had exhibited this type of behavior in the past, held her at knife point, and threatened to kill her if she told anyone what had occurred.
When interviewed by police Sheen admitted that the pair have been having marital problems and an argument over a song Sheen had shared with his daughter by another woman was the cause for the altercation. Sheen claims Mueller became jealous and threatened to divorce him and take the children. Sheen also claims Mueller was drunk at the time, and when officers arrived at the home Mueller's blood alcohol level was .13.
When interviewed by police Mueller shared a different story claiming Sheen became angered over her request for a divorce. He then grabbed her by the throat, and waved around a small switchblade knife.
Officers did discover a small switchblade knife in Sheen's belongs and he was placed under arrest after an officer did take note of red marks on the upper part of Muellers neck!
Story is still developing...