
Meryl Streep Still Gets the Romantic Leads at 60!

Oscar-winning actress Meryl Streep can’t believe she’s still be offered roles in big movies now that she’s reached 60 despite Hollywood's discrimination against older women.

“It’s incredible - I’m 60, and I’m playing the romantic lead in romantic comedies," she said. "Bette Davis is rolling over in her grave.

“I’ve been given great, weird, interesting parts well past my ‘sell by date’. I remember saying to my husband Don when I was 38, ‘Well, it’s over.’ And then we kicked the can down the road a little further.”

Meryl has won the Best Actress Oscar for her role in ‘Sophie’s Choice’ and the Best Supporting Actress for ‘Kramer Vs Kramer.' She claims she no longer cares what people think of her.

“I can’t remember the last time I really worried about being appealing," she told Vanity Fair magazine. "I think it was a really long time ago. It’s freeing as an actress, but whether a director likes it or not is a different thing. I remember [director and co-star] Albert Brooks saying to me in ‘Defending Your Life,’ ‘Could you just make it a little sweeter?’ And that’s been repeated by other people in the years since then.”