The ongoing battle between NBC, O’Brien and Leno is finally coming to an end. Jay Leno may be reclaiming the job as host of the “Tonight Show”, letting O’brien leave the network. According to TMZ, Conan O’Brien is losing “The Tonight Show” but is reportedly getting $32.5 million in exchange for the loss. NBC is also paying nearly $8 million severance to “The Tonight Show” employees.
Another part of the deal - Conan cannot host a new show until the fall. If he makes a deal with another network during his NBC contract period, it offsets the network’s obligation. Conan may have to leave his show creations behind under intellectual property right laws, including Triumph, the Insult Comic Dog.
Jay Leno says he has no bad feelings toward Conan, “Through all of this, Conan O’Brien has been a gentleman,” Leno said. “He’s a good guy. I have no animosity towards him.”
Whose side are you on?