"Knowing that I could blog right now from my iPhone and it's up on the internet with people reading it and responding to it. How much is that a synthetic version of having dinner with somebody? How intimidating must it be to try to find an 'in' with the man who is consistently satisfying himself by all means necessary? Where is her place in that?"
The singer, who has been linked to Aniston, Jessica Simpson, Jennifer Love-Hewitt, DEmi Lovato and a host of others, believes romantic relationships are difficult because they need dedicated time.
He added to The London Times newspaper: "Interpersonal relationships are not bookmarks. You don't go to load all tabs, 'How was your day honey?' You don't go, 'You know what, I'm gonna put this conversation with the woman I love on my iPod and listen to it on the subway'. You have to be present, in this synthetic, listen-later sort of world."