We feel really bad about the source Tina Fey's scar, but she's got plenty of support from the celebrity community. Let's take a look at some of the most famous facial scars and their origins.

Harrison Ford's famous chin scar has been such a trademark for the actor, that in
Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, the young adventurer cut his chin with a bullwhip. The truth is that the scar is the product of a car accident. Ford was supposedly trying to buckle his seat belt while drivin

g. The real Indy wouldn't bother with the seat belt, he'd just punch the passenger.
Both Catherine Zeta-Jones and Elizabeth Taylor share a similar attribute: the tracheotomy scar across their necks. They would be hard to spot as both actresses tend to wear large necklaces to cover the marks. The procedure is performed when the airway is obstructed. Zeta-Jones had her procedure done when she was a child because of a sickness. Taylor had her trach in 1960, when she had pneumonia.

Soul singer Seal's scars have been the subject of speculation. The urban legend goes that the scars that cover his face are tribal scarring, but they are in fact a result of discoid lupus that he suffered from as a child.

Despite the rumors Joachim Phoenix's scar is not the product of a harelip, he was born with it. Phoenix has said in interviews his mother felt pains during her pregnancy and wondered if the scar was a result. Some doctors have speculated that he may have had a harelip before his birth, but his upper lip came together in the womb causing the scar.

While it's no longer visible, Paul McCartney has a scar on his upper lip. The scar helped spread the "Paul is Dead" urban legend, but the mark is really the result of a motorcycle accident. The accident occurred shortly before the release of
Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Heart's Club Band, which caused the self conscious musician to grow a mustache for the album cover. The rest of the band grew some facial hair in support.

Howard Hughes's trademark mustache was to cover up the scar on his upper lip. He got the scar in 1946 in a near fatal plane crash. He was flying the experimental XF-11 over California when he lost control. He crashed the plane in a Beverly Hills neighborhood, ramming through three houses. He suffered a broken collarbone, 24 broken ribs and third-degree burns. He wore a mustache for the rest of his life to cover the scar.