A couple weeks ago we at Pop Culture Madness reported how many of our fellow media reporters are calling these the last days of Patric Swayze. It appears the media wants him dead despite his heroic effort at recovery. In his own words, "They're reporting that I'm on my last legs and saying goodbye to my tearful family! ... It's upsetting that the shoddy and reckless reporting from these publications cast a negative shadow on the positive and good fight I'm fighting."
His new show The Beast is set for release January 15th and Patrick is reportedly benefiting from the work. His health is improving. His will to beat pancreatic cancer is important. It's important to so many people afflicted with this condition. Hope is a very powerful thing and for the media to circle like vultures is sick.
I personally speculated that Patrick was being used by his own studio to play into his character on the show The Beast. In retrospect, I feel that even I became caught in the trap of discussing his condition rather than his hope and how he is living. My truest hope now is that my original speculation is very wrong. It's one time I want to be wrong. Go Patrick!