Hopefully the third time will be the charm for actress Melanie Griffith, who has just started rehab stint #3. Melanie has struggled with drug and alcohol addiction since she was a teenager, so the struggle to stay sober has been a long battle for her. Apparently, alcohol is the reason for this most recent trip to the Cirque Lodge in Utah, but her publicist has only said that "she is there to reinforce her commitment to stay healthy. This is part of a routine plan that was designed between her and her doctors years ago."
However, the rumor is that Antonio Banderas, Melanie's husband of 13 years, was the one who urged her to go get help. A source claims,"The reason Melanie checked in was her husband was demanding that she get clean and sober. He told her that if she didn't get the help she needed it would be the end of their marriage." Despite his frustration with his wife's fall off the wagon, he is still being supportive and visiting her as often has he can while she recovers.