Listen up Twilighters, pretty much all summer we have been hearing that the hottest vampire out there, Robert Pattinsion is dating co-star, Kristen Stewart. By the looks of the cozy snap shots of two, seems pretty true. Although, from Robert Pattinson's lips to the media's ears, Pattinson told the Daily Mirror, "I don't have a girlfriend. I don't know why."
Pattinson continued stating, "You always think you're going to get more girls after you've made a movie and it never happens. You sit there and you're like, 'I'm a big movie star and I want to go out with some models'. But I don't know why that doesn't happen."
Pattinson explained, "It's especially different in LA. Most of the women there are actresses and by default that makes them a little bit nuts – not that that's a bad thing. But I don't really have a type." If Robert is lying about his relationship with Stewart to throw the media off, he's doing a good job. Also, what girl would not want to date Pattinson?