We've all come to roll our eyes whenever brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher get into a tiff, but it seems like this time was the last straw for Noel, who has left their band Oasis. On the band's website, Noel left this statement: "It's with some sadness and great relief to tell you that I quit Oasis tonight. People will write and say what they like, but I simply could not go on working with Liam a day longer. Apologies to all the people who bought tickets for the shows in Paris, Konstanz and Milan."
The band have had a rough tour this summer with several canceled shows and Liam abruptly leaving the stage, and this latest disagreement between the brothers allegedly ended up in a fist fight before their performance at Paris' Rock En Seine festival, causing them to cancel the show just minutes before they were due to appear.
Liam has claimed that Oasis will continue without Noel. Noel has notoriously quit the band before, but he might actually be gone for good this time.