There is not much I get bent out of shape about, but as the Tila Tequila (real surname is Nguyen) & Shawne Merriman question mark unfolds I can't help but smell a rat. Days after she was examined by paramedics and the San Diego Sheriff's Department she conveniently wears a short sleeved shirt seeking out paparazzi to photograph her. But what else could we expect from a has been ex-realty show (MTV) has been?
If you are not familiar with the story, here is a quick run-down. On September 7, 2009 San Diego Charger Linebacker Shawn Merriman is arrested at around 3:45 am at his San Diego home. Her side... He tried to choke and restrain her from leaving his home. His side, he tried to stop her from leaving while drunk.
I am on record as stating I have my doubts of Tequila's story, but even if everything she said about the incident is true, she's handled it like the attention ho many have said she is.
Since she placed him under (of all things) citizens arrest, she has done nothing to lay low or nurse her wounds or seek counseling or do anything a victim would generally do. Instead she of all things "Tweeted" about it within hours. Meanwhile Jan Caldwell (Public Information Officer) in a stand-up interview outside the Sheriff's Department stated, "Our deputies did not notice any physical injuries on her. He was taken into custody because she filed a citizens arrest; and by law we have to do that. "
Merriman quickly issued his own statement through his attorney. "There have been no charges filed against me. I want to thank the San Diego Sheriff's Department for their professionalism. I will continue to cooperate fully with the Department."
Since that time, Tequila has been on the attack. Tequila has been openly searching out media outlets to attack Merriman, yet when any media source investigates the matter the only thing that reporters find are concerns pointing back at Tequila.
So far the facts point back at Tequila as the agent provocateur. Witnesses has corroborated Merriman's claims that Tequila was drunk the night of his arrest.
When Merriman's supporters and statement through his attorney got back to Tequila that she was intoxicated the night of the event she immediately tweeted: "I am allergic to alcohol. It has been publicly known for years. That is how I got the name Tila 'Tequila' cuz the irony. I can't drink." It seems Tequila is just lying in wait for a chance to jump into the spot light.
She continued with inane tweets like this one: and that "club owner" who also said I was drinking....oh geez...why didn't they mention that HE OWNS THAT CLUB! LMFAO! Nice coverup...nice.
I guess no one had the heart to tell Tila that the statement of 'club owner' pretty much indicates he owns the club. And we are giving this woman attention?
The latest developments are that Tequila has tweeted she is going to meet with the DA's office. Why does this happen? After anyone is arrested it is the DA's office job to decide if their is a case they can prosecute. They don't prosecute cases that they don't feel they can win. So why have this meeting with Tequila at all with so little to go on? Right now the DA's office denies they have had or will have a meeting with Tila Tequila. It appears to be just more of her dog & pony shows and the DA's office is doing all they can to pacify her so they can get on to real cases.
There are LOADS of celebrity blogger sites getting sucked into the Tila Tequila hype machine only to back off later when they realize she's full of lies. But in today's age, a man is guilty upon accusation and once the media start piling on, you wonder if you can ever get a fair shake.
It appears this time, some in the media kept the other bad bloggers on balance and did not find Merriman guilty without just reason.
Bottom line, the DA is not on Tequila's side at present. Without the support of the DA's office Tila Tequila is whom the media should be piling on. She has already made big trouble for Merriman's employment with the Chargers. Her false accusations may not lead to a false criminal trial, but they may cost an innocent man his job.
Here is my personal advice to you readers. Look at her photo. Police would have seen those bruises the morning of the alleged assault. There would have been NO missing them. And while bruises take days to display, injury from any bruise is immediate. They just don't turn color for days. Police know how to determine the date of an injury based on the color stage of the bruise. Last, she has no marks on her neck. Tila's original story stated she was choked. Such a large man and tiny woman would have easily resulted in marks on her neck.
What's more the marks on her arms, circular. So what did he do? Punch her on each arm? I can just see her at home now taking some blunt object and hitting each arm. Don't laugh too hard. Imagine if she would have gotten away with this. It's utterly sick to think she dressed specifically to display the injuries. This woman is a sicko. The only good news is that all men should avoid her like the plague or risk being falsely accused by her later.
In the end how much credibility does she have over Merriman? One can't delineate all her tweets but she was actually going as far as to ask her Twitter followers to "chargers suck" to make it trend. Who is the real victim here?
The woman is full of it and should be ignored by all for the rest of her life. She just wants attention. Let's hope this is her last 15 minutes of fame and she becomes the pariah she deserves to be.