God Bless America and bless Charlie Sheen too. Seems that eight years ago on September 11th what we witnessed as a nation was not what the collective millions of U.S. Citizens thought it was.
According to Charlie Sheen 9/11 was not the work of Osama bin Laden and Al-Qaeda. You may know Sheen as the actor starring in CBS's Two and a Half Men or films such as Major League or Scary Movie or other Hollywood classics. No doubt he brings his vast expertise to the table on his allegation that none other than our own U.S. Government is responsible for the 9/11 attacks.
The motive? The sheer doubt that 19 men armed with only box cutters could take down some of the tallest buildings in the world. Someone needs to remind Charlie that it was planes with full tanks of fuel crashing into those buildings is what caused them to fall; not box cutters. The threat of bombs on the plane's kept the passengers at bey. While the knives played key parts in the taking of the planes, it was the planes that took down the buildings.
But I put it to you my fellow Americans. Should we discount Charlie Sheen's claim when he also has other great minds that are NOT Hollywood actors joining his claim? Names like Ray McGovern a former CIA analyst, or BYU Professor Steven Jones.
I feel bad for Charlie, he actually thinks people are willing to listen to him on his left field thinking, "It feels like from the people I talk to in and around my circles, it seems like the worm is turning."
Big question, who are Charlie Sheen's friends that also buy into this? I'll leave the details of Charlie's allegations to other bloggers what want to dive deep into the conspiracy theory hype, but what is important to know here is that in America, everyone has the freedom to believe what they want.
While it is sad on a day like today that we have to submit ourselves to gawd awful conspiracy theories and really just silly thinking, the silver lining is that in our country we allow people the freedom to be stupid.