The audio of President Obama has been leaked. I wonder what this will do for the loving relationship between the President and the White House Press Corp? For now, we get to enjoy some behind the scenes talk in the press room.
Meanwhile it shows the President is on the side of common sense and good manners, then again, when a press corp member calls what happened to Taylor Swift the "Joe Wilson Treatment" what side of the issue would you expect him to come down on?
It started off with a press pool member asking what seemed to be an on the record question, "Were your girls as hacked off as mine were that Kanye gave Taylor Swift the Joe Wilson treatment?" to which the President responded, "I thought that was really inappropriate. You know, it's like she's getting a award - what are you buttin' in? I hear ya, I agree with ya." Continuing after some press corp joking, "The young lady seems like a perfectly nice person. She's getting her award - what's he doing up there?" Press interjects "Why did he do that?" to which the President continued with indignant disgust, "...He's a jacka--." Which drew sophomoric laughter from some press members. "I'm assuming all this stuff - where's the pool? (laughter) Come on guys. Cut the President some slack. I got a lot of other stuff on my plate."
When the President says he has other stuff on his plate, he means he doesn't want to get involved. Good for him. The press should stop asking 'unPresidential' questions if they want him to avoid more beer summits. It's clear our nation is suffering from bad manners and outbursts. The President has already held one beer summit at this rate his required constant intervention could cost our country millions. That last sentence is a joke.