
Follow-Up: Demi Moore W Magazine Photoshop Mystery

Just this week PCM reported that Demi Moore's W Magazine cover may have some serious issues. While others in the media speculated Demi may have had a hip-reduction via-Photoshop, we asserted that she may in fact had significantly more done to her photo.

See our previous article complete with detailed photos: Demi Moore's Body Replaced by W Magazine.

We contacted Demi directly after she tweeted a photo she claimed was the 'original' photo from the magazine shoot. As she choose her words carefully tweeting: Here is the original image people my hips were not retouched don't let these people bullxxxx you!

PCM questioned Demi asking, "was this photo direct from camera?" to which we received no answer. PCM speculated from the onset that perhaps what Demi received from W Magazine and what the original photo looked like at the time it was taken may indeed be two separate images.

At worst another model's body was used as a template and sampled over to her photo for enhancements. At best, Demi has just plain reversed time.

Is it stands now, W Magazine has finally stated that the photo was retouched but still leaves Demi Moore to fight this battle on her own.

Now the photographer who started this entire uproar (not the photographer that took the actual picture) has spoken up in response to Demi's very assertive tweet. He says in a communication to our friends at

I saw your article on the Demi Moore Photoshop flub - I’m the photographer who started the whole thing - and after giving it a lot of thought (and being accused of “bullsh*t” by Demi overnight), I’m raising the stakes:

While I really feel bad that Demi is on defense over this, I also don’t like being accused of “bullsh*t.” So, let’s find out who’s bullsh*tting. This isn’t about her and it isn’t about retouching (I’ve no problem with either). It’s about a blooper, basically. The cover is a blooper; it goes on the art department’s wall of shame. So what? We
all make mistakes. That’s got *nothing* to do with Demi. She’s a beautiful woman with or without retouching. And where the hell is W Magazine on this? Why are they forcing Demi to address it? It’s not fair to her.

There's more to this but in short, the question remains unanswered. At some point this could heat up and bubble over, but the entire fiasco could be put to rest if W Magazine and Demi Moore would provide some proof to back up the cover shot of Demi.