She revealed on her Twitter page: "Umm-OMFG! I was walking ahead with the security guard and some guy was following me, then pulled up in his car and pointed a GUN at me!"
"I was on the phone w/my mum and i screamed and ducked and the guy started laughing and pushed the trigger and it was a fake gun..I was crying..he scared me."
Meanwhile, the 23-year-old's father Michael has demanded she go into rehab for an addiction to painkillers.
Speaking after the actress branded him a “lunatic” over his addiction claims, Michael told X17 online: "As far as Lindsay is concerned, if she retracts her statement and goes into a rehab, I will stop. But if the lies continue and prescription drug use don't stop. Neither will I."
"As for me. I am sorry I had to talk this root, but I have tried and tried to help Linds, and I been lied about long enough. Lindsay has two weeks to get herself into a LONG TERM rehab."
Michael’s comments came after Linday branded him a “lunatic” and said she wanted to change her name.
"My father is a lunatic and doesn't even deserve such a title since he's never been around in my life other than when he'd threaten me and my family," she said. "He should be where he has always put himself after verbally abusing and physically abusing people all my life, behind bars."
"So much for having a 'dad'... I'm going to spend some time with the ones that love me and i love now . The next shopping spree I’m going on is for a new last name!!!"