Mike Tyson was arrested Wednesday while with his family. It all took place around 4:30 pm at a United Airline counter at LAX in California. Tyson and family were on a return flight from a European holiday.
Once again a photographer created the incident and upon provoking the ex-boxing champ in front of his family, 43 year old Tyson decked him. Some reports state Tyson may have been pushed or shoved. As a result the Paparazzo was leveled and took a bad gash to the head. He got up and walked away bleeding profusely. Many witnessed the scene and with both the photographer and Tyson sensing they needed to play the next card fast - they both made cross citizens arrests (alleging battery) on each other.
Sadly only Tyson was celebrated on camera as he was taken away from LAX in handcuffs.
The looming question is how much can a celebrity take in a provocation before taking action when they feel they are threatened or in this case a celebrity with family.
Tyson may be a hot head by nature, and given factor, you'd think a photographer that snaps photos of celebrities against their will would take that into consideration. The result was warranted by many accounts on the scene. Tyson claimed after losing his 4 year old daughter Exodus just months ago, he felt threatened to a point of needing to protect his 10 month old. The photographer in return claimed Tyson was trying to take his camera. If that's true, he had plenty of opportunity after taking down the photographer but did not.
Tyson was taken to a holding cell at the airport and was cooperative with authorities. The paparazzi was taken to a local hospital to treat the laceration to his forehead which he sustained when he fell after being struck by Tyson. After release he was then booked, but his name is still not been publicized.
When officers arrived at LAX, Tyson was taken in handcuffs to a local LAPD station. His bail was set at $20,000. Tyson's attorney Richard Schonfeld has already issued a statement: "Mr. Tyson did absolutely nothing wrong, he was a victim in this case. We look forward to vindicating him and pursuing his rights."
LAX seems to be a haven for paparazzi to exploit celebrities as Kanye West was in a similar incident last year and only recently had been cleared of those charges.
Tyson is on parole for a narcotics possession charge (and DUI) in Arizona and it is yet to be determined if this airport incident will result in a violation of his parole.