The battle between Eminem , Mariah Carey, and Nick Cannon continues. It first started where Eminem gave Mariah a shout out in "Bagpipes From Baghdad," Nick Cannon then responded with a blog saying Eminem was insulting “one of the worlds most influential artists,” and that "homeboy is still obsessed with my wife." Mariah also retaliated by having a person dressed in her video “Obsessed” that looked similar to Eminem.
It looks like there was nothing else for Eminem to do but to get back at the married couple. Before he starts rapping, Em tells Carey, "Only reason I dissed you in the first place is because you denied seeing me. Now I'm pissed off."
He doesn't stop there. "You wanna hear something wick wack?/ I got the same exact [tattoo] that's on Nick's back," the Detroit MC says a few seconds into his rap.
"Oh gee, is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee?/ Wow Mariah, didn't expect ya to go b---s out./ B---h, shut the f--- up before I put all those phone calls out/ You made to my house/ When you was wilding out/ Before Nick, when you was on my di--."
From there, he goes onto graphically describe what he says was his one sexual encounter with Carey and calls her a "liar" and many other fowl names, and threatens to reveal personal pictures and phone messages he has of the singer. Eminem then plays part that sounds like the diva Carey’s voice at the end of song: The unidentified woman refers to herself as "Mary Poppins."
Through out of the publicized dissing of the each other all three of them have denied any hard feelings. Cannon says the lyrics of songs can often be misinterperted and that they had no beef with the rapper. He also denied the resemblance of the man in Mariah’s video was intended to look like Eminem.
Do you believe it? How could all those words be misiterupted? Maybe they could have been in the beginning…maybe. But Eminems recent rap doesn’t look like anyone could take it but in one way! I wonder if this battle will last long or if they’ll just hold their tongues for now.