Who is Erin Andrews and how does she go from the photo above to instant well known celebrity reporter? You guessed it, sexy video. What makes this situation unique is that Erin is a true victim. It's absolutely clear that in this story it's not a case of poor judgment or indiscretion on her part.
If you are not aware, ESPN sports news correspondent Erin Andrews has an illegally shot video of her walking around her hotel room naked buzzing around the Internet. Yes it's hard to find if you just browse the web and I'm not in the biz of telling how to easily find it. But what I can tell you is this. The video itself is no big deal. Yet for Erin it has accomplished a great deal for her. It's what I call the Paris Hilton Effect. Scandalous video equals instant celebrity status. After all, Paris Hilton was just a rich nobody until the video of her having sex with an ex boyfriend hit the Internet.
OK, the guys reading this are asking, what does Erin Andrews look like naked? In this case Erin Andrews was just standing in her hotel room naked, doing her hair. In the video there is nothing to see. The resolution is low and the poor video could really be of any tall nondescript blond. Yes you can see her fully naked but frankly it's not of an overtly attractive body. She's not overweight, but other than what appears to be evidence of potential breast implants there is nothing remotely exciting either.

Meanwhile Erin Andrews attorney Marshall B. Grossman released this statement: "While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities." While her attorney and Andrews herself are on a stop at nothing journey to find the perpetrator of this crime, it appears this was not the only incident of secretly being video taped. TMZ reports there in fact 6 recordings in total at two separate hotel locations.
Not only has her attorney come out swinging, but ESPN has also responded swiftly against any and all entities to protect Erin Andrews. Just yesterday ESPN took an unprecedented stand by cutting it's working relationship with the New York Post in retaliation to the Post for publishing screen shots of Andrews from one of the illegally shot videos. ESPN's senior VP of communications, Chris LaPlaca quickly released a statement in response to the NY Posts's article featuring the photos, "In light of the New York Post's decision to run graphic photos of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews we have decided to stop utilizing Post reporters on any of our outlets."