We all have learned the rules for breaking up with someone, so who forgot to tell NBA star Richard Jefferson that you don't dump your fiance through an e-mail?
A couple days before Jefferson's $2 million dollar wedding to Kesa Ni'Cole Nichols, Jefferson sent her an e-mail stating that the wedding was off! Richard explained his actions as, "There was a lot of stress and tension in the relationship. We've been through a lot — but we just couldn't continue."
We all feel sorry for the bride left at the alter, but should we. The word is that the NBA star will be giving Kesha a "six-figure" pay-out due to the cancellation. Since when do you get cash for being stood up? Jefferson stated, "I'm not trying to buy her off. She has a lump sum to help her move on." Apparently gay rumors have swarmed about Jefferson for years, so maybe this was all a show.