As the sixth installment of the Harry Potter series rolled out in theaters it could not help but to make a bang at the box offices everywhere. In the film's midnight showing, it racked in $22.2 million knocking The Dark Knight out of the top spot, and with good reason.
This chapter in the series takes a different tone compared to the other films. This year, the Hogwarts students are embracing adolescence, with a movie full of love, angst, and longing. We get to see a whole new side to the characters. Also, all this romance leads to the most comedic moments yet to be in a Harry film. If it's the action sequences you are looking forward to, you might not want to get over excited. This installment definitely cut back on the action and put the social surrounding of the main characters first.
Though the film is excellent, as a fan of the Harry Potter books, I was a bit disappointed in the lack of the acknowledgment of two aspects of this book. One, the real, in-depth look into Voldemort's past and the path he took to becoming the Dark Lord. The second would be the real mental assurance that Harry and Ginny are meant to be and will be forever. Considering it was 2 hr. 45 mins., I know they squeezed in all they could in the alotted time. I do appreciate the light-heartedness the movie presented in this film as Harry heads to his destiny and the final showdown with Voldemort begins. The next two films are sure to be the best yet.