Avatar Story Revealed - Accusers Come Out Of The Woodwork
James Cameron's much hyped Avatar has it's complete plot-line revealed in the new International trailer. With it come questions of stealing concepts and story-lines once again for the director. Many may recall Cameron's Terminator being a story once told by Harlan Ellison (renowned science fiction writer) where Ellison sued Cameron and eventually was compensated and credited.
With Avatar many avid sci-fi readers are complaining that Cameron has once again lifted his epic film ideas from many other stories. Some are cute references to films like Fern Gully due to the lush landscape of an innocent place being over run by civilization. Others are pointing fingers directly at stories such as My Name Is Joe, a sci-fi book written in the 1950's by Poul Anderson. Watching the trailer above will give you a slight understanding.
What people are finding similar is that in both stories an injured man that has lost use of his extremities finds he can be made whole again on another planet. However the plot and stories are vastly different. For now enjoy the nay-sayers picking on Cameron.
Remember what Picasso said, "Good artist copy, great artist steal."