Seriously... someone hire this man. Josh Rutner worked at Wal-Mart as a loss prevention associate up until the time he stopped a knife wielding shop-lifter at work. Due to Wal-Mart's policy, Josh not only lost his job but is ineligible for re-hire. Ever. Why? Because Josh pursued the shoplifter and helped disarm the knife-wielding thief.
Now I'm not a Wal-Mart basher and we should all respect rules, but there is also a rule known as "to every rule there is an exception". For Wal-Mart to fire this man for doing the right thing is astonishing. It set's a bad example for everyone in this country.
You can't help but think, "What is the world coming to?" And as many times as we have heard that cliche' in this case it hits you with a deafening blow. Wow... how can we all live in a world where watching a man steal from others and not stop him be the right thing to do? This can't be the America we want to be proud of. Josh Rutner is the America we can be proud of.
How was Josh rewarded for his hard work which due to the very nature of his job came at risk of life and limb? Wal-Mart fired Josh when he returned to work the following day.
This man (Josh Rutner) turned in his keys, badge and security codes without incident, left Wal-Mart and all he had to show for his heroism and common decency is that he retains his integrity.
We need to reward this man. Someone needs to hire him. He's someone in this country we can be proud of. In a world of celebrities that are looked to as role models and fail miserably, I say we hail this man, lift him up as an example and give him a great job. He deserves something far better than what he had at Wal-Mart.
Wal-Mart of course declined to comment. Meanwhile Rutner will serve as states witness against the shoplifter by submitting to a deposition.
Wal-Mart should be ashamed. Their policy is broken and needs fixing. Wal-Mart can learn a thing or two about decency from Josh Rutner. May someone hire him and fast. For him to remain unemployed one day for his decency is a travesty in this country.