A controversial photo that was taken by rock historian Brett Miesner, showing the shadowy figure of the late Door's frontman in the background has been deemed authentic by paranormal researchers.
The photo was taken in 1997 by Miesner's assistant, and shows Miesner posing next to Jim Morrison's grave in the Paris cemetary Père Lachaise. When Meisner took another look at the photo again in 2002 he noticed the cloudy looking figure in the background appeared to bear a striking resembelnce to the late singer. The photo speaks for itself! Researchers and anaylists ruled out the possiblity of lighting stikes or image manipulation, and claim the photo is simply "unexplainable".
Once news of the photo garnered public attention, Miesner had all sorts of individuals showing up to his door step in the middle of the night claiming to have messages from Jim Morrison and Meisner now feels the photo has done more harm than good, creating much unwanted attention for the historian. Miesner claims it could be Jim playing some sort of cruel joke from the other side! At this time Miesner is hoping to privately donate the photo and it's negative, I am surprised to hear no one has taken him up on the offer at this time!