The jig is up. Or down depending on how you look at it. Parents of Falcon Heene are caught in storm over what Colorado authorities now believe was an orchestrated publicity stunt where the family worked together to fool the world into thinking six year old Falcon Heene had taken flight in their experimental helium balloon.
As PCM reported a day prior, the family is accused on being bent to stay in the limelight. Falcon's father Richard Heene and mother Mayumi Heene are expected to face charges of conspiracy and filing a false report amongst others.
Now if you want to know some real publicity stunts that did work... Check out PCM's List of Greatest Publicity Stunts.
What is worse is that this couple's antics run the risk of costing them their children, if nothing but for a short term.
Had it not been for the child's on screen confession on CNN with Wolf Blitzer filling in for Larry King, they may have gotten away with it. When scorned fellow scientist Robert Thomas sold his accounting of his relationship with Richard Heene came out Saturday, the flood gates opened.
Perhaps what is most overlooked is that local authorities did suspect the Heene's of committing this crime all along but they gave everyone including the media reason to believe they was no crime committed in an effort to keep their investigation a secret.