
The Assassination of Elizabeth Hasselback

The View had it's usual fun times today. Topic of discussion? The mindless killing of wolves by Sarah Palin. Of course there are no two sides of this story. And should minority conservative girl on the show Elizabeth Hasselback attempt to form a second side to the story... be sure to GO TO COMMERCIAL! Check it out!

The best part is that while no other panelist on the view could stomach the killing of innocent wolves in order to save the caribou population, non had a problem with the innocent killing of cows for steak or for hamburger. Hasselback uses a similar argument of where are the Hollywood elite celebrities standing up for aborted babies? Which if you think about it, transcends animals to humans, a more serious stand.
Yet when Hasselback spoke up, she was belittled by the fellow talking heads and promptly went to commercial. What do you think? Do we save the wolves or save the caribou? Is Hasselback out of line or does she make a good point? x