There is good and bad in everything. The Internet can save your life, but also has porn. Guns can protect you, and they also kill. And there are celebrities in politics. I'd love to argue that celebrities have NO business in politics but look at Ronald Reagan. One of our best Presidents.
So why then do so many Americans get up in arms over celebrities getting involved in politics?
The latest is Val Kilmer. An 80's heart throb with some serious credits under his belt. Like ...Batman. Kilmer, a Democrat on record having voted for Obama is eying the Governor's office of New Mexico. Taking his cues from political figures such as Hilliary Clinton, Val is acting the part of non-committal: "It's really day to day."
Kilmer re-established his roots in New Mexico almost 20 years ago moving from Hollywood and L.A. where he grew up. With current Governor Bill Richardson's term expiring, Kilmer a fellow Democrat sees an opportunity. "I'm just looking for ways to be contributive," when questioned by the Associated Press on Thursday. "And if that ends up being where I can make a substantial contribution, then I'll run."
The general consensus among celebrities is that if Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie "The Body" Venture, Sonny Bono, Al Franken and many others can do it. Then really anyone can do it.
My question is if all the celebrities are serving our country as politicians... what will the rest of us do?