The former rapper has been on a path of self-destruction since the summer. X was arrested six times over the month of June for various offenses. He was again arrested for missing his hearing. When he finally did make it to court, X cussed out the judge and attempted to walk out of the courthouse while still shackled.
After the rapper failed to report for his medication, officials say the incarcerated rapper began cussing at officers and stated he would "assault someone to get some respect."
He was immediately placed on "lockdown" and is being punished with a "special diet that is a form of bread and water."
For those who do not know, punishment by bread and water was not created to deprive the incarcerated of food with character, but rather that a diet consisting only of bread and water leads to intense intestinal discomfort because it causes severe constipation.
It all started when he refused to report for work, telling officers, "I already have a job and don't need this $*!@."
Good job DMX. The Darwin Awards saving a spot for you because at this rate there is no doubt that you will cause your own destruction by the end of the year.