Thanks to my BFF in Arizona for this tip!
If you watched the Super Bowl yesterday on Comcast Cable in Tuscon, Arizona, then you got a little, uh, present during the game. Right after the Cardinals took the lead in the fourth quarter, the Super Bowl was replaced by Super Penis!
(For the men reading the blog: this happened at 2nd and 10, 2:48 seconds left in the 4th quarter. The ball gets hiked to Warner, he drops back and connects with Fizgerald for the go ahead Touch Down pass. Then came Super Penis...)
Their customers got about 10 seconds of one of our best friends: porn. The porn clip showed a woman pulling some dude's penis out of his pants. The dude then got up and did the slappy dance with his penis.
And -- here's the best part -- this was all live!
Comcast says they are investigating why there was an interruption in the feed.
Dear Comcast: you see the dude in your office wearing Steelers crap from head to toe? Start with him.
You know that at that moment, parents in Tuscon threw a bowl of nachos over their children's eyes and dragged them out of the room. Later that night, they all had to have "the talk." And all because of the Super Bowl! On the bright side, it's never to early to learn the slappy dance!
I was complaining that the Super Bowl would be a whole lot more entertaining if the dudes were running around half naked (where I work, the men were sitting around watching the game as though The Lord Himself was delivering an address, with occasional burps, grunts, and farts to indicate that they, somehow, were still alive...).
The cable gods in Arizona heard my prayers and delivered. Sort of.
(The upshot: According to Comcast subscribers in Arizona, they were credited with one day's worth of free service for their troubles. One customer service representative remarked apologetically to a customer, "We have all hands on deck for this," to which a customer replied, "Yeah? Well, she had all hands on d**k for this!")