This is an article I don't want to write. We've all been there, you lose your temper and regret it later. But as Christian Bale has already had the finger pointed at him once before as being a hot-head, you have to wonder now if it is really true. It appears so.
*On the set of T4 (Terminator Salvation), in which Bale has had major influence on since deciding to be in the project, Bale went into a fit of rage towards a cinematography crew member (Shane Hurlbut) because he accidentally walked through the background of a scene. At first I figured, "OK, I read Christian insists on good story and immerses himself completely in roles". That hard working attitude is to be applauded since how much work can it take to be an actor? I was wrong.
What happened next was over-the-top. In an audio recording secured by TMZ; Bale launches s into a verbal tirade where he eventually becomes so angry that he almost attacks Hurlbut. You want to believe actors can have a bad day just like you and that perhaps this was isolated incident. But after listening to the extended outrage by Christian Bale on set, you know this a man that needs to learn some control.
I could argue on Christian's behalf that he takes his craft serious. But you can take something too serious. Remember when he lost almost half his body weight for his part in the Machinist? Do you know that smarmy sinister look he gives in many of his parts? Well, there is a reason for his intensity; he is intense. Too intense.
As a fan of Christian Bale's I did not want to believe he was out-of-line and his outburst was just something common on a set. Perhaps it is, but it also proves Bale is more than just your typical emotional actor, he does have anger issues. No one goes on at the length he did and whips himself into a frenzy to the point that he wants to punch the guy he is putting down. Listening to the audio, I could sense the tension and how uncomfortable everyone in his set must have felt. It reminded me of a backwards time when men felt they could hit their wives just because they looked at them funny. It's rumored that security was summoned at the set as Bale's temper seemed it was about to manifest into a physical attack. If you listen the audio, it appears Bale was restrained at one point. Perhaps someone grabbed him by the arm as he reached his tipping point in angry towards the cinematographer.
Surely people will debate the issue of Christian Bale's ego, how actors work long hours, and the legitimacy of Christian's angst over the matter of the mistake of the cinematographer in question, but let's not forget we are only hearing edited audio. There is clearly some backstory between Bale and Hurlbut. Enough that Bale the big name actor, decided verbally abuse Hurlbut and of course get away with it as he has the clout on the set. Directors have belittled actors in the same way for years folks.
Nothing changes the fact that Christian Bale behaved poorly, shouting at someone in such a matter only made himself look the fool. While Christian may have had a legitimate gripe that day, industry insiders say Hurlbut didn't walk in front of the director, he walked behind the director and that Bale was being an oversensitive spoiled actor. Then again the cinematographer may have been a noob, or made a repeated mistake that needed to be dealt with. But that case was lost when Bale exploded for four minutes of ranting and cursing. In short, he may have had a right to be pissed due to the pressure. Christian lost all credibility with his anger. You be the judge
Surely people will debate the issue of Christian Bale's ego, how actors work long hours, and the legitimacy of Christian's angst over the matter of the mistake of the cinematographer in question, but let's not forget we are only hearing edited audio. There is clearly some backstory between Bale and Hurlbut. Enough that Bale the big name actor, decided verbally abuse Hurlbut and of course get away with it as he has the clout on the set. Directors have belittled actors in the same way for years folks.
Nothing changes the fact that Christian Bale behaved poorly, shouting at someone in such a matter only made himself look the fool. While Christian may have had a legitimate gripe that day, industry insiders say Hurlbut didn't walk in front of the director, he walked behind the director and that Bale was being an oversensitive spoiled actor. Then again the cinematographer may have been a noob, or made a repeated mistake that needed to be dealt with. But that case was lost when Bale exploded for four minutes of ranting and cursing. In short, he may have had a right to be pissed due to the pressure. Christian lost all credibility with his anger. You be the judge
I'm certain in time more people will step forward to discuss Christian's anger issues. From opportunist looking to make a buck to ex-girlfriends with an ax to grind. This is only the beginning folks. That man has a lot of life ahead of him to show his true colors.
This could cost Bale in future roles despite his acting chops. Why? The audio tape was sent to the film studio's insurance company in case quit the film. Then again, this could just feed into Christian's ego since in Hollywood, as it does in any business environment, profits forgive all sins.
*This happened months ago but an audio recording has now been leaked and it is news.