
Jessica Simpson spokeswoman for Texas beer

U.S. singer-actress Jessica Simpson has become a Texas beer baroness and spokeswoman, her publicist says. 

Simpson, 28, is now part-owner of Stampede Brewing Co., of Dallas, and serves as the spokeswoman for vitamin-enriched Stampede Light Plus beer, the New York Daily News reported Wednesday. 

The beer, as well as being "light" at 115 calories per bottle, also is infused with B-vitamins to make it healthy, its makers say. A publicist for the singer said Simpson liked the beer so much after sampling it that she not only wanted to sing its praises, but buy a 15 percent ownership share of the craft brewery as well. 

"Jessica found out about Stampede after trying it in Dallas and lik(ed) it so much that she met with the founder and became an owner," her representative told the Daily News, adding that the beer was "consistent with her healthy lifestyle and values. She likes to invest in healthy products."

The singer is releasing her debut country album in September, the Daily News said. 

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