
Ahh! Justin Would Never Do Such A Thing!

Justin Timberlake is being sued by a busboy who works at his NYC barbecue restaurant! The lawsuit is claiming that JT doesn't treat his employees fairly, oh no! Would Justin ever do such a horrible thing like this?! We hope not. We've eaten at Southern Hospitality and thought it was pretty yummy, but we don't support restaurants that expect employees to work for free! Horrible!

The suit says Felipe Ramales (who filed the suit) and other staffers didn't get their proper share of a gratuity charge the restaurant automatically collected from parties with six or more diners. The busboy also says he worked more than 40 hours per week without getting overtime. Ouch! No good, Justin! Wonder what will happen. A manager at the restaurant is standing up for Justin and saying that the allegations are false and everyone has been paid what they're due!