Like Superman died and then did not die, like Spider-Man whom was cloned, but not a clone, and the Batman series where his back was broken and he was no longer Batman--Once again the comic book industry has decided to make another over the top decision... Kill Batman.
The question is will he really be dead? After all the perpetrator is his father. But wait! He's dead! Isn't he?
Well, no. Not now. He faked it according to the latest story line. The not really dead or faked death device is really a hackneyed story line.
We readers will read the entire story, waiting and expecting to find out at the end, that this man claiming to be Batman's father isn't, and/or Batman never really died; that he too faked death.
The current writers at DC insist Batman really is dead and that his mantle will be taken over by one of his Protégé’s. "This is the end of Bruce Wayne as Batman" says Grant Morrison of DC.
Potential replacements are the first Robin, Dick Grayson whom is now Nightwing or the current Robin, Tim Drake. You may recall the second Robin was killed by the Joker. I think he's really still dead. Unless he is actually alive. Some believe he was thrown in the Lazarus Pit (brings you back to life with negative results) and is now the dark character Hush.
The question is will he really be dead? After all the perpetrator is his father. But wait! He's dead! Isn't he?
Well, no. Not now. He faked it according to the latest story line. The not really dead or faked death device is really a hackneyed story line.
We readers will read the entire story, waiting and expecting to find out at the end, that this man claiming to be Batman's father isn't, and/or Batman never really died; that he too faked death.
The current writers at DC insist Batman really is dead and that his mantle will be taken over by one of his Protégé’s. "This is the end of Bruce Wayne as Batman" says Grant Morrison of DC.
Potential replacements are the first Robin, Dick Grayson whom is now Nightwing or the current Robin, Tim Drake. You may recall the second Robin was killed by the Joker. I think he's really still dead. Unless he is actually alive. Some believe he was thrown in the Lazarus Pit (brings you back to life with negative results) and is now the dark character Hush.