Are relationships conical or cyclical?
I do not see how they can be both. In a conical relationship theory you see you and a partner spiraling in a positive or negative direction. Once a relationship begins spiraling in the negative direction that conical path starts off slowly and may be reversed if it is to survive, but if not it heads downward towards the end of the spiral where it comes to a point and vanishes. The same can be said for a positive relationship. This poses another question. Does a positive spiral end? Does it spiral faster and heat up and burn out like a star?
Then there is cyclical relationships. In them you are what you are and you will simply repeat with the next person the pattern or behavior of your last relationship. The old saying a leopard doesn't change its spots comes to mind. The good behaviors you expressed in past relationships will repeat in your next. If you are a liar, a cheat, or infidel, that cycle will repeat.
I often wonder how these two theories play out together? Can they meet and live in a sort of synchronistic existence or are they more of a semaphore?