Britney Spears and her Ex-Husband managed to co-parent in peace while the media looked on in astonishment today. The California media vultures hoping for Britney to fail again (this time as a parent) were let down when Britney admitted her two year old son Jayden to a Mississippi area hospital last evening. He was sick.
This was an auspicious occassion too, Britney had yet to take the children out of Los Angeles prior to this family trip.
To keep the press at bey, Keven Federline; whom has full custody of couples children issued a statement that he was impressed with Britney's response. "We're pleased that someone was aware enough to see that he (Jayden) was having some sort of reaction and do what was necessary to make sure there were no chances taken and got Jayden to the appropriate facility and got the apprpropriate evaluation to be timely"
OK, so it was clearly written by a lawyer but let's face it, in today's world parenting is serious business. Just ask Alex Baldwin.