Ready for Christmas? Electronics style! Women are great for sniffing out bargains on clothing, but it seems not even a PHD will help you in buying electronics these days. Especially when it comes to the big two, Circuit City and Best Buy.
By now you should know that Circuit City is closing 155 stores nationally. You may even recall last year the company fired employees, allowing them to re-apply for their old job in an effort to avoid paying benefits. The public has responded to terrible customer service and policies by not buying at Circuit City. Buying Circuit City product is more on the impossible level than it is impractical. Who wants to buy from a store that is possibly going out of business?
Is Best Buy next? Most recently Best Buy attempted to force a customer into accepting a $600 mini notebook for a $2200 Sony Laptop. The customer was lucky, they ended up with a $1200 gift card instead. Of course you could fall for Best Buy's HD calibration scam. If that is not enough for you, consider the confessions of a Best Buy employee. Best Buy has even gone as far as to set up a fake scam site to fool would be customers. Even Best Buy's Geek Squad service has come under constant fire for making every attempt it can to decline service and charge for services even when customers are under Best Buy's service contract plans.
When it comes to Electronics for Christmas this year, it looks like online shopping and anywhere but Circuit City or Best Buy will be your best choice. Hey, Costco takes everything back if you don't like it or it's defective and gives you cash back!